Tattva Global Cottage Tea is a unique blend of pure tea leaves with Orange peel, Dry Ginger and Licorice. Traditionally used since ages, this blend is known to be invigorating, boost immunity and keep your senses sharp.
Components & Health Benefits of Orange Peel
Orange peel is high in Vitamin C and also contains good amounts of pro-vitamin A, folate, riboflavin, thiamine, vitamin B6, and calcium. rich in fiber, and disease-fighting polyphenols. They also contain limonene, a chemical that may protect against skin cancer.
Supports healthy heart. Fights infection, cold & flu. Eases digestive process. Increases metabolism and burns fat. Slows down growth of cancer cells. Cures hangover. Helps recover from bad breath. Removes phlegm and helps to breathe easy
Components & Health Benefits of Dry Ginger
Chemical analysis of super spice ginger contains over 400 different compounds. The major are carbohydrates (50–70%), lipids, terpenes, phenolic compounds. amino acids, raw fiber, ash, protein, phytosterols, vitamins (Nicotinic acid and vitamin A), and minerals.
Excellent remedy forCommon Cold, Menstrual pain, Body soreness, aches & muscle pains. Lowers Cholesterol, indigestion, Nausea & Morning sickness, Lowers blood sugar, Relieves inflammation, Improves metabolism, Helps reduce weight naturally.
Components & Health Benefits of Licorice
Besides the rare sweetening compound glycyrrhizin, Licorice contains Vitamin E, phosphorus, the B vitamins, manganese, iodine, chromium, and zinc.
In traditional medicine licorice roots have been used against treating many ailments including lung diseases, arthritis, kidney diseases, eczema, heart diseases, gastric ulcer, low blood pressure, allergies, liver toxicity, and certain microbial infections.
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